
Is this a hint?

I think NYC is telling us to leave. At this point, I think its yelling at us.

The CPSE offices (Center for Preschool Education- they are the people who approve services for Charlie for preschool) have had Charlie's evaluations since March 28th. We have finally learned that he won't be having his transition meeting until July.

Lesson #1: Send things certified mail. This way, when a CPSE office tells you they don't have your paperwork you can say, "Well, a person in your office signed for it and this is her name..." Then call the CPSE office in South Orangetown. You don't get put on hold, you get the name of the person you need to talk to, they leave a message for you, and the person calls you back. And he talks to you for 30 minutes and you're not even a resident.

Next week we find out if Emi made it into the Gifted and Talented program. If she didn't, then we wait to find out if she makes it into one of our schools of choice through the second round of the general education lottery.

Lesson #2: If you don't want your child to go to the neighborhood school, move. Especially if you are paying outrageous rent and are stressed out about money all the time.

Our downstairs neighbors can't stand the pitter-pat of Charlie and Emi's feet. So we lay down carpet remnants all over the apartment. Kind of an eyesore, but the neighbors are happy.

Lesson #3: Check out www.flor.com If we resign our lease, we will be their #1 customers!

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